Full support is still on hand as usual – but please bear with us as we get ‘back to normal’ into the offices rather than working from home.
The telephone systems at our homes that are not as sophisticated as those in the office!
So we ask that please you email us in the first instance. We can deal with 99% of queries via email.
If you do need to chat to us, please email asking for a call so one of the team can get in touch.
If you urgently need to speak to us, please put ‘URGENT’ in the subject title and one of the team can get in touch ASAP.
If you do need to call us and we cannot answer straight away, we respectfully ask you to please be patient with us and leave a message.
When a message is left, we get an email so we can call you back ASAP.
With PDI support, Keith, Adam and the Team will be more than happy to continue the Zoom meetings and helping you with your test prep – please remember, we are definitely seeing a difference in those that attend sessions and working with us and being successful vs those that are not..
The Training course for the ADI certificate has been very well developed and delivered. All aspects of the course are developmental and put into practice as you progress. Manageable timelines and targets are set, this allowed me to be organised and set time aside to complete the work to the timelines. All this while working at the same time. The support is outstanding and available as and when required, by email or phone. The strange and unexpected experience to arise is that I feel that while completing the online and live driving course, all of the staff I have been involved with within the course delivery have made me feel as though I was an important part of the team. In short, outstanding course materials, delivery, online support, face to face support and very professional staff.
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request your free 'Work With Drive Starter Pack for full details
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